null_session's TCP/IP for kids Sept. 1, 2000 This file was written to take the kids who are still stuck in the "1 n33d s0m3 w4r3z d00d!" mode and bring them up to about the same level as your average system admin. That is to say that this is a quick hit, usable as an introduction but NOT intended for someone with experience in these matters (unless, of course, you want to critique me). What is TCP/IP? I'm sure you have often seen refrences to the tcp/ip protocol. Refrences like that are usually made by marketing people and salesman. TCP/IP actually stands for Transmission Control Protcol/Internet Protocol, but really it is a suite of many protocols and services, all of which work together to provide a fairly simple interface to a shared network of computers. Tcp/ip provides a layer(actually several) of abstraction from the pain of hardware networking. The services that tcp/ip provide allow you to type "" to find distraction in satan's equivilent of talk radio, rather than 00:00:86:51:A1:13 a true hardware level (Ethernet, in this case) network address. Just in case you had a thought like "well what's wrong with that?" consider for a moment then that every network interface in the world has one of these. Every interface on every computer, every interface on every router, every printer, every IP phone, etcetera, and they are ALL DIFFERENT (theoretically, at least). Not only from a user perspective is this impossible, it would also make networking a technical nightmare. Luckily, since the dawn of networking there have been networking protocols and programming interfaces galore (tcp/ip is but one of these) that have more or less held the nightmares at bay. Features of TCP/IP TCP/IP has many different charateristics, and many of them change depending on which protocols you are actually using. Through the different protocols it may set up a reliable virtual path, or it may just dump packets out at the network. A couple of things that can be said for sure are that TCP/IP is routable, meaning that it can be routed through many network interfaces and across different network types, and that TCP/IP is packet switching, meaning that the data is broken up into many chunks and each chunck is sent individually across the network. TCP/IP is often referred to as a protocol stack. This means that the different protocols are visualized vertically, passing information up and down the stack. It can also be visualized that on two interfaces, two protocols that are at the same level in the stack communicate directly with each other. This is better shown visually: Telnet Telnetd | | TCP TCP | | IP IP | | NIC driver NIC driver | | Ethernet----------------------Ethernet Here I've shown a telnet session between foo and bar. In reality this works as follows: d1ck@foo is having a telnet session with bar's telnetd. d1ck types on his 'leet windows 98 telnet session "del c:\*.*". This information goes (character by character, but we don't need to get into that here) down foo's protocol stack, across the network (Ethernet in this case, but it matters not) and up bar's ip stack until it is sent to bar's ptty. The real sequence of events is: telnet(foo)->tcp(foo)->ip(foo)->NIC driver(foo)->Ethernet.---> NIC driver(bar)->ip(bar)->tcp(bar)->telnetd(bar). Of course it has no effect because d1ck is a complete idiot, but I digress. Even though we know how this is really working, it is perfectly acceptable (and even necessary, if you care to maintian you sanity) to consider foo's telnet as talking directly to bar's telnetd, or foo's tcp talking directly to bar's tcp, etc... This is all possible because of the miracle of encapsulation. So what in the hell is encapsulation? Encapsulation is the method by which foo's tcp can talk directly to bar's tcp. Every layer uses a header to keep addressing and other information that is needed by the protocol to deliver the packet. Each layer, upon recieving the packet from the previous layer, treats the entire thing like data and adds it's own header. There are two benefits resulting from this: 1) the "direct communication" that we're discussing, and 2) these protocols are not dependent on each other. It is possible to put something besides TCP on top of IP, and it will still work. The encapsulation scheme is once again best shown by graphics: +-------+ Telnet | data | +-------+ +--------+-------+ TCP | header | data | +--------+-------+ +--------+----------------+ IP | header | data | +--------+----------------+ +--------+-------------------------+ NIC driver | header | data | +--------+-------------------------+ As the data moves down the stack towards the NIC driver and to the network, headers are added. These headers accomplish different things depending the specific protocols being used. When the data is recieved and subsequently moves back up the stack the headers are stripped off and discarded, leaving the exact same data that left the sender. I'm sure by now you're probably asking yourself two things- "What's a NIC driver?" and "What are these other protocols?" NIC is easy, it's an acronym for Network Interface Card. The driver is simply the code that allows IP to talk to it. It is this arrangement that allows us to use TCP/IP with myriad network cards. For each card there is a NIC driver, but everything above it on the stack works with any driver. It is now time to answer that other question. There are many protocols associated with TCP/IP, but you only really need to know of a few right now. I'll chart out the most common protocols according to their position in the protocol stack: Telnet/FTP/HTTP DNS/TFTP | | TCP UDP \ / IP ICMP \ / Network access (NIC Driver) I'm not going to go into the top level (application) protocols, they are far beyond the scope of this doc. I will, however, give short descriptions of the others: TCP: Transmission Control Protocol (RFC0793) TCP is a connection oriented, reliable protocol. That means that when you use TCP it verifies EVERY packet it recieves with an acknowledgement. It is very reliable and guarantees correct delivery of the data (each packet is checked and discarded if it doesn't match what was sent). As you might guess, this generates a rather large amount of overhead, slowing the protocol down considerably. TCP is able to present data to any of several applications through the use of ports and sockets. UDP: User Datagram Protocol (RFC0768) UDP uses ports and sockets like TCP, but UDP is connectionless and unreliable. Don't misunderstand this, unreliable only means that the data is NOT checked by the reciever for accuracy and corruption. As a result, UDP is MUCH faster than TCP. IP: Internet Protocol (RFC0791) IP provides addressing and routing (hence the term "IP address"). It also communicates directly to the drivers for the network interface. IP also supports fragmentation, the ability to break packets that are too large to send over the network into smaller chunks (called datagrams) that can then be re-assembled by the recieving machine (this is important- more on fragging later). ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol (RFC0792) ICMP is used primarily by routers and other network hardware to communicate on the state of the network. ICMP allows routers and NICs to tell each other when they are broken, when they can't handle more data, etc... The only times you should really encounter ICMP are when you are setting up a firewall, troubleshooting a broken network, or running ping (a ping is a ICMP echo request). If I find out you are using ICMP for any other reason (like DoS), I'll have a group of very large men in suits pull your ears off. I'm sure you noticed the notes RFC####. These refer to the "Request For Comments" documents (available at These are the absolute authority on how these protocols work. These documents are god as far as you are concerned. You will often hear people speak of "RFC compliance" (and especially Microsoft's lack of it), they are speaking of the need to follow these standards. I reccomend you read all of the RFCs I mentioned above. Notes on addressing and routing: As mentioned above, addressing and routing is all handled by IP. This is really beyond the scope of this doc as it can be rather complex (or at least difficult to explain). I may put something together on addressing, routing and subnetting, it depends if anyone expresses interest. The best resource is of course the RFC, but I'll say a few words. Addressing is arranged in 4 octets (8 bits each). It is most often written as - 4 decimal numbers seperated by dots. This is also occasionally called the layer 2 address as IP is the second layer in the IP protocol stack. Routers use this address, which is actually a network address and a host address slapped together, to route packets to the appropriate destination (remeber, when you go surfing for porn, your packets are probably crossing 8 or 10 different routers along the way). You most often, of course, see addresses written as or etc... These are handled by the application (meaning it operates on the same level as telnet or netscape) called DNS or Domain Name Service. DNS mearly maps text names to the numerical IP addresses. -before I'm flamed I should mention that DNS is also referred to as named or BIND. Notes on fragmentation: Fragmentation is also handled by IP. Remember, IP can talk to a plethora of different network types. This is good, but it causes certain problems. For instance, my nice large ethernet packets might not be able to travel on your token ring or x.25 network. As a result, IP can fragment what it recieves into smaller chunks. In this case the fragements are all sent, and once they arrive they are re-assembled on the recieving machine. It is by using fragments that people are able to sneek through firewalls. Most firewalls (although they are getting smarter) do not re-assemble fragmented packets for inspection. As a result, arbitrarily fragmented packets can be passed through and re-assembled to do their dirty work on the inside. Notes on sockets and ports: TCP is able to determine what application is to recieve data by looking at what port it comes in on. For instance, in our telnet example, even though d1ck was listening to a shoutcast server and surfing, his TCP stack knew the incoming data was for telnet because it was sent to port 23. Even if he was running two telnet sessions, they would be sorted out by the TCP stack using a combination of the source port (a random number) and destiation port (port 23 for telnet) - collectively called the socket. Author's notes: This was written as a brief introduction. It is by no means an in-depth analysis, it's not even a good tutorial. My sole intention was to prick your interest, so you would go out and read the stuff I'm about to tell you to go read. If you can't be bothered to take the time to learn this, go back to playing Diablo or EQ and quit trying to become a hacker, as you will never get there. If you are digging it, however, I suggest the following: The RFCs mentioned above - these are absolutely necessary. Understanding IP Addressing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know - Chuck Semeria Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite - S.M. Bellovin Simple Active Attack Against TCP - Laurent Joncheray